Directed by Herb Hyland
Musical Director: Linda Shirck
Welcome to the chaotic world of NewYork radio station WOV! It's the final broadcast of a show for American soldiers serving overseas during World War II. A harassed studio manager tries to keep his performers in order and get through the broadcast without too many catastrophes.
However, that is easier said than done! With a drunken, Sinatra-esque lead singer, a delivery boy with theatrical aspirations, and a talented trumpeter preparing to leave New York’s big band scene and fight overseas, it’s a challenge just to get to the end of the show.
Full of big band classics, jitterbugging, and old-fashioned sound effects, The 1940’s Radio Hour takes a swingin trip to a bygone era, bringing the audience along for the ride!
Presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.
Season Ticket - $25 for a 2-show package. Single Reserved Seat Tickets $15 Tickets at the door are $20
Check the schedules above for curtain times. Doors open 45 minutes before curtain.
Next Ticket Sales at Fairway Center, 10600 W Peoria Ave Sun City AZ 85351
Monday through Thursday: The two weeks prior to the opening of each production
10 am to 12 noon